Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ivan Pavlov and John Watson

Ivan Pavlov

1. He wanted to know how if he could make a dog salivate without the presence of food.

2. First he gave the god food and made him salivate. Then, he gave the dog food and rang a bell. After a few times of doing this, the dog started drooling when the bell was rang, even if food was not present.

3. The conditioned stimulus was the bell, the unconditioned stimulus was the food and the conditioned response was the salivation of the dog.

4. Extinction is a gradual weakening and eventual disappearance of the conditional response tendency. Extinction occurs from many presentations of conditioned stimulus.

5. stimulus generalizations means a response to a specific stimulus and becomes associated to other stimuli and occurs to those other stimuli.

6. Stimulus discrimination is learning to respond to one stimulus and not another

7.-Pavlov had to change the route of the salivary glands.

- that the results of this experiment could be different with humans.

8. Pavlov theorized that we learned through association.

John Watson 

1. John Watson made an experiment that proved behaviors on humans, he used Little Albert and exposed him to a white rat, a rabbit, a dog, a monkey, masks with and without hair, cotton wool, burning newspapers, etc. Two months later, Little Albert was placed near a laboratory rat and he was allowed to play with the rat. Little Albert was not scared. While he was playing with the rat, Watson and his assistant made a loud noise by striking a steel bar. After this, Little Albert cried and showed fear. Every time he was shown something close to a rat he cried.

2. The conditioned stimulus was the white rat, the unconditioned stimulus was the loud noise, and the conditional response was crying of little albert. 

3. The limitations were that it was unethical and that it could never be done again. 

4. The law of frequency states that the most often events are linked, the more powerful will be the association.

5. The law of recency states that the response that has most recently occurred after a particular stimulus is the response most likely to be associated with that stimulus.

6. Watson thought behaviorism was almost all of psychology since he believed that psychology was the study of human behavior. He believed that he could turn someone into whatever he wished to if he could controlled the behavior.


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