Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Teenage Brain

The human brain is not fully developed and mature until you are 25 years old! Various things such as video games, computers, cell phones or other electronics can affect in a bad part for the brains development. Something that is essential in every teenage brain is sleep. A teenager needs at least 9 hours of sleep every day. Sleeping the correct amount of hours a day can bring benefits to every teenager such as having a greater ability to learn, feeling less tired and also you will be in a better mood.  Being in a good mood not only benefits you but everyone around you and this way people would want to be around you since you are not all grumpy and mad at everyone. By having a good ability to learn you can be successful in school and have really good grades by paying attention and can even be at the top of the class. The fact that you will not be tired if you sleep enough every day, will make you very active and this will give you other productive benefits. In conclusion, if we give good care too our brains since young we will get to old very healthy.

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