Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Teenage Brain

The human brain is not fully developed and mature until you are 25 years old! Various things such as video games, computers, cell phones or other electronics can affect in a bad part for the brains development. Something that is essential in every teenage brain is sleep. A teenager needs at least 9 hours of sleep every day. Sleeping the correct amount of hours a day can bring benefits to every teenager such as having a greater ability to learn, feeling less tired and also you will be in a better mood.  Being in a good mood not only benefits you but everyone around you and this way people would want to be around you since you are not all grumpy and mad at everyone. By having a good ability to learn you can be successful in school and have really good grades by paying attention and can even be at the top of the class. The fact that you will not be tired if you sleep enough every day, will make you very active and this will give you other productive benefits. In conclusion, if we give good care too our brains since young we will get to old very healthy.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How our brain works.

1. What does the word "hemisphere" refer to when talking about the brain?
The brain is divided into the left and right hemispheres that are connected by a thick band of nerve fibers called the corpus collasum that sends messages between both hemispheres. 

2. What are the major differences between the left and right sides of the brain?
The left side of the brain is the seat of language and processes in a logical and sequential order. On the other hand the right brain is more visual and processes intuitively, holistically and randomly,

3. What is the corpus collasum?

It is in charge of sending messages between the left and right brains. 

4. Explain the study performed by Paul Broca in which he discovered "Broca's Area."

Paul Broca was a french physician, anatomist and anthropologist, he is mostly known for his research in the Broca's Area which is a region in the frontal lobe that was named after him, this area has the function of the ability to talk. 

5. Explain the study conducted by Roger Sperry in regard to "split brain."

Roger Sperry was a neuropsychologist, neurobiologist and nobel laureate that together with other two men called David Hunter and Torsten Nils won a prize of Nobel Medicine with the investigation of the split brain. The split brain is when the corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres of the brain. 

6. Explain the study conducted by Karl Wernicke which led to the discovery of Wernicke's Area."

Karl Wernicke was a german physician, anatomist, psychiatrist, and neuropathologist. The Wernicke's area is one of the two parts of the cerebral cortex that is related to the understanding of written and spoken language.  

7. Which lobe is most responsible for vision?

The occipital lobe 

8. Which lobe is most responsible for hearing and language?

The temporal lobe

9. Which lobe is most responsible for performing math calculations?

The frontal lobe 

10. Which lobe is most responsible for judgment, reasoning and impulse control?
The frontal lobe 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Phineas Gage

It is believed Phineas Gage was born July 9, 1823 and died May 21, 1860. He was an American railroad construction foreman that is mostly recognized and remembered of surviving through severe brain damage. From his injury he was the first patient from whom Doctors learned the relation between personality and the function of the frontal parts of the brain. On September 13, 1848, when Cage was 25 years old he was working in a town outside of Vermont. A hole was made into a body of rock and Gage had the job to add blasting powder, fuse and sand to it then he had to compact it with a large iron rod. The power exploded and he had the iron rod inserted through his head, going through his left eye and out through the top of his head.  The accident affected a lot in Phineas life, mostly his personality and behavior changed that his friends saw him as "he is no longer Gage," he also lost his eye, The term brain localization mean that every single part of your brain has a different function some more important than others but all necessary. Brain lateralization is that the brain is divided into two parts, left and right both have different functions. The lateralization theory helps us understand our behavior, personality, creativity, and the ability to make a proper way of thinking and achieving different tasks. It took Phineas about two weeks to recover from his accident. He died twelve years after from severe convulsions. His case is so famous that his skull is in the Harvard medical museum. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


    Homosexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction between someone of his or her same gender. Men that are attracted to Men are called “gays” and woman that are attracted to woman are considered to be called “lesbians” and when a person is attracted to both woman and men is bisexual.  What is being debated or discussed a lot now days is whether people get homosexual genes or if they are learned do to the environment.

   Some people who study human sexuality believe that it comes from your genetics while others believe that it creates according to the environment you live in, whether it is family problems or you are treated in a different way but most of the scientists do not support this theory.  Homosexuality is not considered to be a disease even the American Psychological Association says that it is not a mental disorder and that instead it only brings you stress and anxiety and then these develop physical problems such as headaches having trouble to sleep or nausea, so it is recommended to talk with people with whom you have trust, in order to be more secure of who you are around other people, and also to help reduce the stress and anxiety. Most of the scientists believe that homosexuality is genetic do to the fact that there is more proof. A perfect example is with twins, there are two types the identical twins that share all their genetics and their entire environment and the non-identical which only share the same environment but have different genetics. An experiment was done with some twins that were about 6 years old and one was very girly he even painted his nails, played with dolls and had his room decorated as a girl and the other one was very boyish and played with trucks like a normal boy. These two boys have shared the same environment all their lives so we can conclude they are non-identical twins and that one got homosexual genes. But it is better to study the cases individuallybecause sometimes it may vary whether kids have homosexual genes or they learn them from the environment they live in.

   In conclusion, I believe that homosexuality can be both genetic and environmental. It can be genetic because there is more proof and also the example above supports a lot the genetic theory besides the human being knows that homosexual people are not often let in, into society most of the times they are left out soy why would they choose to be gay or lesbian if they know they are not going to be treated in a fair way? but on the other hand it can be environmental because it depends in the parents if they let the kids act like their opposite sex, because when boys or girls are young they don’t actually know the difference between both sexes so it’s the parents job to guide them in the right way. To conclude I can say that nature and nurture have a big role in homosexuality.