Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nature vs Nurture

Nurture versus Nature was a term first used by Francis Galton who was a English Victorian Polymath. What this term means is that some things come with you when you are born through your genetics and others through the environment. In other words it can also be called Biological versus Environmental Factors. Some topics that scientists still are studying further are athletic ability, intelligence, criminal behavior, personality and homosexuality because they still do not know wether they come in your genes or you learn them according to your environment. The overall belief about this debate is that in nurture the human being changes his way of thinking a lot over time  and now people are very different than before, and in nature people act differently because of the change in their environment. Nurture affects more the human body than nature because that is more like physical.  In my opinion all these topics are very hard to determine if they are Biological or they are environmental factors but i believe that it depends in the person and their past wether they get all of these. Also i think that scientists should make the investigations according to individual cases because all of them are different and it depends in the genetics of the people.  


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Charles Darwin was an English naturalist which was born in February 12, 1809 in England. He became famous because of his theories of evolution and natural selection. He believed that all life on earth evolved over millions of years. He came out with his theory when he set out in the H.M.S Beagle to do an expedition all around the world where he studied plants and animals and gathered information about them. With everything that he studied he concluded with the theory of natural selection that states that nature will select who survives and who does not and if a animal does not adapt to their environment then they will die or become extinct including their characteristics. Back in Darwin's days this theory was not accepted because of religious views. Charles Darwin did not want to talk much about his theory because he did not want people to take his ideas away until his book came out and everyone would read it and be surprised with every idea he had in mind. In my opinion Charles Darwin was a great naturalist who wanted to experience things by himself being original and seeing the world in a different way, he died in April 19, 1882.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What is Psychology and why should we study it?

Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. A professional practitioner of this field is called a Psychologist. The basic things in psychology include perception, cognition, attention, emotion, motivation, brain funtioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. By learning psychology you learn to understand yourself and others also this way you can experience the world learning how people act, think, reason and feel.